Blonde Care

Toning Brassy Hair With Wella T18 & T11 At Home

Toning Brassy Hair With Wella T18 & T11

Wella T11 On Bleached Hair Tutorial

How To Tone Brassy Hair to Ashy With Wella T18 And T11

How To Tone Brassy Hair to Ashy With Wella T18 And T11

How To Tone Brassy Hair to Ashy With Wella T18 And T11

Mixing Wella T11 + T10

Hey y'all - another episode of me toning my hair. ALSO: please ask questions in the comment section below for an upcoming Q&A!! my first one ever ...

How to dye your hair blonde WITHOUT bleach!

How to dye your hair blonde WITHOUT bleach! I wanted to make a tutorial on how I dye my natural curly hair blonde. I've been using L'Oréal HiColor ...

Difference Between Wella T14 And T18

So you’ve been researching how to dye your hair grey or silver and you keep hearing about Wella’s T14 and T18… but which one should you use? T14 ...

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